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New Guidelines adopted by the EDPB


The following documents were adopted during the Plenary session of the European Data Protection Board, held remotely on the 21st of April 2020:

The aim of these Guidelines was to clarify the issues related to the use of health data, in particular the legal basis for processing, the subsequent use of data for scientific research, including cross-border, and to ensure the rights of data subjects.

The document aims to highlight the conditions and principles of the proportional use of location data in order to monitor the spread of the virus, respectively the detection tools to notify people close to other people detected as infected. On this occasion, the Board emphasizes that the use of this data must be done voluntarily by each person and that the person’s movements must not be monitored and that the principles of necessity and proportionality must be respected when determining the measures for this period.

Additional information is available at: https://edpb.europa.eu/news/news_en


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